I had to deal with some unnerving side effects from some of the medication I am taking. Little cuts on my fingers that just would not heal but getting worse and more and more infected. So Dr. Folbe (my Oncologist) prescribed Antibiotics. Nice blue pills. Taking them twice a day on an empty stomach. Unfortunately they induced violent vomiting. So the stomach was really really empty after some time. Gah. I also started to have a bad case of diarrhea and some other thing (*bleep*) that let me worry. That was the unnerving part. For some reason I decided to call my general physician (funny, I always have to think about my 13th grade physics teacher or my father in law when I hear physician) about that. Of cause you have to talk to the nurse first.
"How can I help you?" - "I'd like to see the doctor today." - "What for?" - "Well, I am not feeling well and I have been throwing up yesterday and today." - "Something else?" - Darn, I thought that would get me in.. "Hmm, I also have a diarrhea." - "And what else?" - I must not be convincing, how does she know? There is doctor patient confidentiality for embarrassing side effects, does that also count for nurses? "Err, there is also something weird with *bleep*." - "Like what?" - Tough cookie that one. I told her but spare you the details. - "Are you still throwing up?" - "Well, not right now. But I was up until a couple of minutes before I called you." Otherwise this conversation would be soo different I bet. - "How about tomorrow at 11:30?" - "I am very concerned about that *bleeep* and I also have Cancer." I think I will open my next nurse conversation with that statement from now on. - "Oh, can you hold?" - "Sure." Stupid me, could have saved so much time. How could I forget that Cancer thing? - "Hello, this is nurse#2, how can I help you?" - Awesome, I am the talk of the town. "Yes, Hello, *the whole story starting with cancer*." - "Ok, I will talk to the doctor, can you hold?" - "Sure." - Nurse#3: "Is this unique?" - WHAT?? "Err, it is the first time.." Oh man.. Praying for nurse confidentiality.. Maybe a new doctor? But at least they talk to each other?? - "No, is this Unique Smith? I am looking for a patient." - "Hmpf, no, this is Alex." Jeez Louise.. - Nurse#2: "Alex, I will try to get hold of the doctor and call you back, ok?" - "Yes, thank you."
She did and told me to get Dr. Folbe's opinion. That conversation went easier. Nothing to worry about yet, known side effect. Take the Antibiotic just once a day, take Imodium and *bleep* and all should be good soon. That was Monday, it's Wednesday and all is good again. :)